
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Lídia Puigvert” ,找到相关结果约252759条。
El uso dialógico de las tecnologías en sociedades dialógicas: una propuesta de democratización de los medios
Ram?n Flecha,Lìdia Puigvert
Nómadas , 2004,
Abstract: En la actual segunda fase de la sociedad de la información, la sociedad dialógica, estamos asistiendo a un proceso de democratización de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC). El uso dialógico de las TIC implica la consideración de los principios del aprendizaje dialógico, como son el diálogo igualitario, la inteligencia cultural, la igualdad de las diferencias, la solidaridad, la creación de sentido y la transformación social y personal, así como las capacidades formativas instrumentales. Es por ello que la democratización de las TIC se convierte en un instrumento imprescindible de los agentes sociales para colaborar en la democratización de la sociedad.
Preventing violent radicalization of youth through dialogic evidence
Emilia Aiello,Lídia Puigvert,Tinka Schubert
- , 2018, DOI: 10.1177/0268580918775882
Abstract: Radicalization of youth leading to violent extremism in the form of terrorism is an urgent problem considering the rise of young people joining extremist groups of different ideologies. Previous research on the impact of counter-terrorism polices has highlighted negative outcomes such as stigmatizing minority groups. Drawing on qualitative research conducted under the PROTON project (2016–2019) by CREA-UB on the social and ethical impact of counter-terrorism policies in six EU countries, the present article presents and discusses the ways in which actions characterized by creating spaces for dialogue at the grassroots level are contributing to prevent youth violent radicalization. The results highlight four core elements underlying these spaces for dialogue: providing guidance to be safe in the exploration of extremist messages and violent radicalization; the rejection of violence; that dialogue is egalitarian; and that relationships are built on trust so that adolescents and young adults feel confident to raise their doubts. If taken into account, these elements can serve to elaborate dialogic evidence-based policies. The policies which include a dialogue between the scientific evidence and the people affected by them once implemented, achieve positive social impact
Equality of differences in Learning Communities
Lena de Botton,Lídia Puigvert,Olga Serradell
Psychology, Society & Education , 2009,
Abstract: We are currently living in a multicultural society where its members show a great social and educational potential. However, ethnic discrimination still represents a strong limitation in our societies, and more specifically in Europe. Successful experiencessuch as the “Learning Communities” show that an equality of differences, that is to say everybody’s right to live their lives in a different way, helps to improve academic performance, instrumental learning, and reduces conflicts in college classrooms as well asin communities, neighborhoods or even in the municipality.
Resistance to and Transformations of Gender
Barbara Merrill,Carme Garcia Yeste,Consol Aguilar,Lídia Puigvert,Rosa Valls
- , 2019, DOI: 10.1177/1558689817731170
Abstract: Researchers in many fields, especially those engaged in the study of gender-based violence, have shown an interest in using mixed designs as innovative methodological procedures to transform social realities. In this article, we introduce the “communicative evaluation of social impact” as a methodological tool to reveal the social impact achieved by a multiphase mixed methods design conducted sequentially on gender-based violence in Spanish universities. This tool shows the transformative power of mixed methods with a communicative orientation to generate new legislation, create proper conditions for reporting abuse, and establish new solidarity dynamics with and among the victims to promote violence-free universities
Bibliometria e arqueologia do saber de Michel Foucault: tra?os de identidade teórico-metodológica
Alvarenga, Lídia;
Ciência da Informa??o , 1998, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-19651998000300002
Abstract: this article has the aim of discussing relations among knowledge archaeology from michel foucault and bibliometry. common analysis cathegories of both areas are proposed. common interest themes: interdisciplinarity, citations, pragmatics and discurses categorization are worked. possibilities of supression of theoric-episthemological limits of bibliometry are presented like the problem of dificulties of weighting the level of scientificity in the process of sorting discourses to support bibliometris studies, as well as the agregation of cathegories that can overwhelm the trend of the reification process present in the information science research.
Química Medicinal Moderna: desafios e contribui??o brasileira
Lima, Lídia M.;
Química Nova , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-40422007000600015
Abstract: the main aspects of the modern medicinal chemistry, among the classic and industrial paradigms, used in the drug discovery process will be treated. the contribution of the brazilian science in the knowledge generation in medicinal chemistry will be demonstrated, with base in searches accomplished in the portal web of science? 7.10 and in the directory of groups of research of cnpq.
O processo de cuidar da pessoa que sofreu queimaduras: significado cultural atribuído por familiares
Rossi, Lídia Aparecida;
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP , 2001, DOI: 10.1590/S0080-62342001000400005
Abstract: this study aimed at investigating the cultural meanings attributed by relatives to their participation in the process of delivering care to burned people; identifying the care strategies focused on by relatives during their participation in the care process. data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews with 25 relatives of burned patients admitted in a unit for burned and by participant observation. the results of this study show that the perspective of giving care to a burned person has two dimensions: a physical dimension and a moral one; and generates mainly fear.
Variation, synonymie et equivalence terminologique dans les dictionnaires de médecine monolingues et bilingues
Lídia Almeida Barros
Alfa : Revista de Linguística , 2001,
Abstract: L'existence de variantes et de quasi-synonymes terminologiques dans un même domaine est une réalité constatée par plusieurs études en terminologie descriptive. Les termes techniques/scientifiques coexistent avec les variantes populaires, régionales, orthographiques, syntaxiques et autres. En analysant certains dictionnaires terminologiques spécialisés en médecine, nous avons remarqué que les variantes et les quasi-synonymes ne font pas l'objet d'un traitement terminographique et ne participent donc pas de la nomenclature. Il est ainsi difficile à quelqu'un qui ne conna t que l'une de ces unités terminologiques d'entrer dans ces ouvrages et d'avoir accès à l'information désirée. Dans cet article nous faisons une analyse du traitement terminographique donné aux variantes et aux quasi-synonymes terminologiques dans certains dictionnaires de médecine, plus spécifiquement dans certains ouvrages de dermatologie, et présentons une proposition d'organisation du système de renvois qui prend en considération l'existence de plusieurs termes pour désigner un même concept.
Inteligência investigativa em negócios: a reposi o eficiente e o comportamento do consumidor
Carmen Lídia Ramuski
Revista Organiza??es em Contexto , 2005,
Abstract: As organiza es est o operando em um mundo crescentemente complexo, onde o conhecimento está constantemente mudando, requerendo uma grande quantidade de informa es sobre o consumidor. A resposta eficiente do consumidor ECR é um processo que promove as liga es entre as organiza oes e os indivíduos
A música e a complexidade das idéias de Edgar Morin, Ilya Prigogine e Werner Heisenberg
Marton, Silmara Lídia
Sess?es do Imaginário , 2005,
Abstract: N o possui resumo

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